Now, I’m not sure if all Enochs students are aware of the Enochs Essence podcasts that we have here, but who cares? That’s what I’m here for. I’m writing this article to promote the podcasts that the Advanced Journalism class and Mr. Campbell work so hard to upload. They feature topics ranging from sports, pop culture, media, and school news. It’s honestly a podcast for every person’s interests with a hint of comedy. I surely enjoyed sitting in the classroom during the production of the podcasts to get a glimpse of how the process works. There is a kind of machine that you use to adjust the sound of the microphone, and then you use the computer to pause the take and edit the podcast as needed.
The first podcast episode that goes out is the sports podcast, which is hosted by Andres Silva, Trent Acedillo, Jameson Webb, and Ronan Luis French. Their main topics consist mostly of football and basketball. They talk about recent games and their point of view. I’m going to be honest, I barely knew what they were saying because I don’t really watch basketball and I only watch football sometimes, but I was enjoying sitting and listening to how they were having a really thorough conversation, so thorough that they all tend to lose track of time. Ronan was saying that he believes that by the time January comes around, they are going to nail it way more than in the beginning. I definitely agree with that.
The second podcast episode that we put out was the pop culture podcast. This podcast is hosted by Joey Diaz, Jorge Diaz, Matthew Chhim, and Leelah Bryan. They talk about things from artists to new albums and celebrity gossip. Let me just say that sitting through sitting through this podcast was probably one of the funniest experiences. Of course, Joey’s outbursts added to the entertainment but so did the topics themselves. They also had thorough conversations that made even me, who was just sitting there, really want to jump in and join the conversation. They spoke about Doja Cat basically not being the same anymore on their first ever episode, and I agreed with some of their viewpoints on pop culture as a whole.
The third podcast episode talks about media and movies, hosted by Carly Perez, Angelina Perez, Riley Maynard, and Andres Silva. They talk about movies and their views of what is randomly going on in the world. They even spoke about how the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, got thrown out. They also spoke about the new FNAF movie before it was going to come out. I personally never played FNAF, but each and every one of them have and it was their childhood. They were extremely excited to go and watch it in theaters and envision what they experienced during the game in their youth. “I’m glad we did the podcast but I wanted to talk about the lore more,” said Andres Silva during one of my interviews of the media podcast. To me, being able to talk about topics that interest them for fun seems like something worth listening to as well.
The fourth and final podcast that we upload is the school podcast, hosted by Cherilyn Cogswell, Carly Perez, Angelina Perez, and Tiana Lopez. They talk about events that are going on at Enochs, from homecoming games to the band here. Tiana is actually in the band program and her point of view about band not getting the recognition it needs is spoken through an episode. She also wrote an article about the topic that is actually really good. It is called “We made it to Finals, They Didn’t.” Everyone that is reading this should go read that if they haven’t already. Every one of them had something to contribute about clubs, games, and current events at our school. They promoted a lot of different clubs and even mentioned me running the Eagle Eye’s Instagram this year. By the way, if I didn’t mention before, very much appreciated.
I really enjoyed listening to each podcast while they were recording and being there for the experience. I think this whole concept of having podcasts and actually uploading them for everyone to hear is pretty awesome. And by everyone, I mean literally anyone and everyone from anywhere could listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify if they so wish. This isn’t your typical class where you write plenty of papers. It teaches the students how to use their special skills to their advantage to put something out that can interest people. It is a form of entertainment and commitment that I am glad to be a part of!