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Raise Your Voice!

James C. Enochs High School’s fall show!
Raise Your Voice!

“Good morning”, Eagles! Get ready for a “step in time” into “these palace walls” that will absolutely be “so much better” than any show you’ve ever seen before. You won’t be in “agony” for the reason that you and this show are a “match (maker)” made in heaven; simply a “part of your world” that you cannot fathom to miss, so “sit down (you’re rocking the boat)”, and “raise your voice” because “we’re all in this together”, on October 22th, 24th, 25th, and 29th to see an incredible show at Enochs High School. 

Raise Your Voice is a musical revue featuring songs from all different productions such as High School Musical, Legally Blonde, Into the Woods, Mary Poppins and much more!

If you have no idea what theater is, it is an art form which includes acting out scenes and emotions that sometimes involves singing and dancing. Many people love not just performing, but also attending theatrical performances because of the world it takes you into; full of laughter, tears, anger and joy that for a second takes you away from the everyday troubles of life. 

Actors spend five days a week at rehearsals after school learning lines, songs, and dances, moving very fast from one number to the next. Gabriel Boutros 26’ stated “My favorite part of theater is when the cast gets revealed. My dream role is Troy Bolton from High School Musical and I got it!” 

When asked what her favorite scene was, Madelyn Childers 25’ expressed, “I would have to say my scene as Elle, I’m so grateful to be playing this iconic role!” 

Catalina Manzano 25’ says that she joined theater due to a schedule error but was too nervous to ask her counselor to change it so she embraced it and went to all the performances, falling in love with theater. “My favorite part about theater is the people you meet from so many different backgrounds, social groups and classes you wouldn’t have met otherwise who all like the same things that you do”.

Charlene Donida 27’ states, “I joined theater because I always enjoyed the bonds I got to make with people that were just like me. I didn’t feel judged about my crazy hyperness and we always became like family”.  

Jasmine Munoz 28’, new to the Enochs Theater Program, says that her dream show is “Phantom of the Opera” or “Aladdin”.

As for behind the scenes, this program is lucky to have 11 tech members contributing to areas such as lights, sound, curtain, set, props, costume designing, and management. Olivia Cibantos 27’, a part of our costume and set team exclaimed “I enjoy the creative freedom and skills I have learned in creating costumes and sets that I can potentially turn into a job”. 

Elliana Tuers 26’, another member of the set and costume management team, stated, “I love being able to think about an outfit, sketch it out, and have it come to life playing with different colors, portraying different types of personalities through clothing”.

In theater, everyone tends to become very close. Whether you’re a part of the acting crew or the tech crew, everyone becomes like a family. For newcomer Natalia Villafan 25’ “Moving schools I thought it would be cliquey and that people would have a hard time trusting me to learn their tech system, but instead everyone was very welcoming and trusting, helping me build a community in theater”.

Overall, theater is a remarkable community unlike any other out there.

Do you like watching productions? Have you ever been in a play or musical? What is your favorite musical and or dream role? What is your favorite number from this show?

Are you coming to the show? 

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