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Winter Hallway Amusement

Eagles worked hard to make our halls as stunning as ever.
Eagles worked hard to make our halls as stunning as ever.
Aubrie Rivas

Every year, the Enochs Leadership class decorates the hallways for winter homecoming, in place of the first-semester fall floats. This year’s theme is “Amusement Parks”!

In an effort to continue to build excitement surrounding the basketball game and rally on Friday the 24th of January, the leadership team will be spending their three-day weekend wrapping and adorning the walls of Enochs’ C and N building hallways.

This transformation will be nothing short of magical.

The leadership team has a long weekend ahead of them filled with prep work that includes measuring and cutting paper to wrap the walls with, drawing and painting detailed elements for the hallways, and bringing any leftover work home to complete over winter break.

Volunteers were also welcomed, one of which was Celine Coronado ’25.

“Hallway decorating was really intense and straining on me, but it was really worth it,” Coronado said with a smile. 

At times, the process is fun, exciting, and conveniently collaborative, while other times, just a simple task can result in insane crash outs. Generally, the first day of decorating, everyone’s energy is up and things seem to be flowing smoothly. About halfway through the second 8-hour day, though, energy starts to dwindle and universal irritation is one the rise. By day three, delirium kicks in and everyone is so exhausted that decorating turns into a test of muscle memory and brute willpower. As everyone rushes to finish the final details, the collective spark of energy returns and the team powers through the home stretch.

When asked about his mindset going into this weekend, Kai Herbst ‘25, a senior in Leadership, said that he is, “just trying to get through it and enjoy his time; this is [his] senior year and [he] wants to enjoy [his] first time decorating.”

This weekend will have joys, pains, tears, laughs, and exhaustion. Yet, the leadership team knows that in the end, all will be worth it, providing something intricate and interactive for all students and staff to enjoy.

Hopefully, everyone is very delighted with the decorations the leadership team has put together and worked on for the last month and a half. Gooooo Eagles!

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