In this special episode, Ansel Mello (sports), Brenna Edwards (school), Ava Gammon (news/pop culture), and Akhil Diwana (music) join adviser Jason Campbell to discuss their experience with podcasting and what they have learned in their first semester behind the microphone. This is the second in a two-part series evaluating what they have learned and reflecting on what they enjoyed about this process. Be sure to subscribe to The Enochs Essence – the student-run podcast series put together by the Enochs High School advanced journalism class – on Spotify and Apple Podcasts to support student journalism!
NOTE: This podcast was edited by Mateo Perez Hoover. This is a student-run Podcast that was created as part of the Enochs High School Advanced Journalism program, and the opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the students themselves and not reflective of the official opinion of James C. Enochs High School or Modesto City Schools.