Fortnite IS, in fact, the best video game on the planet. From its groundbreaking building system, and its unique battle pass, Fortnite has been the pioneer of a change in video game development.
Although its fall in popularity is mostly due and can be attributed to its audience getting older and moving on to more mature games, their most recent spike in popularity needs to be studied. After their reintroduction of the ‘OG’ Season, they brought in over one million players in just 20 minutes after the season’s launch. Most of these players have been re-attracted to the game because of nostalgia, a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past. This feeling of nostalgia is amplified because people think about how they felt playing the game 5 years ago. Personally, I loved playing Fortnite, and the reason why I think it’s the greatest video game to grace this earth is because of the nostalgia I felt when I played it. Which is what I think is that gives Fortnite so much power.