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The Student News Site of James C. Enochs High School

Enochs Eagle Eye

The Student News Site of James C. Enochs High School

Enochs Eagle Eye

The Student News Site of James C. Enochs High School

Enochs Eagle Eye

Tom Barysch

Tom Barysch, General Editor

Tom Barysch, a German exchange student, is a member of the Enochs High School Class of 2023 and is serving as a General Editor for the Eagle Eye Website. Tom’s Future Plans are to travel as much around the world as possible and experience as many different cultures, places, and opinions as possible. He came to the USA in August of 2022 and will stay until June 1st of 2023, after which he will attend Heidelberg University in Germany. He plans on becoming a Neurosurgeon. His Hobbies consist of weightlifting every day. His passion for competitive Powerlifting and Bodybuilding is enormous, and if he could he would like to aspire to a career in this field as an alternative to his current plans. He has come to love the sport of American Football as he played the last season, and loved doing so from the first time he ever picked up a football. He has been playing piano for over 10 years and loves to sit in the evening and play for hours. Whenever he gets the time he reads books – his main genre being historic books about the European past. 

What Tom loves about Journalism: “Journalism is what keeps the truth told. It’s what makes regimes like Hitler’s dictatorship or Putin’s Autocratic Society harder to form and is often the only thing that stands in the way of propaganda. Journalism is a dangerous, but so important profession for humanity.”

What Tom loves about Enochs High school: “In my life I have attended threes schools – both in Germany and here in the USA – I can wholeheartedly say that Enochs High School has some of the nicest people I’ve ever met and such a strong sense of community that’s unmatched in many schools.”

All content by Tom Barysch