Gum drops, powdered sugar, marshmallows and candy canes littered the tables of the Leadership room as 6 groups of students adorned Target gingerbread house kits. It was December 11th, and the first time the Eagle Eye had done something like this.
Creating a gingerbread house that stood out was a challenge. It required us to step out of the typical guidelines of lining the roof with frosting or placing M&Ms around the windows. It took innovation, creativity, and inspiration. Arguably the prime example of this was the famous ‘Minecraft house’.
Team leader Natalia Villafan ’25 reflected on the motivation behind the theme.
“Originally we were going to do a gothic house,” said Villafan. “You gotta talk to her, though” she said, motioning towards Isabella DiPirro.
When asked to elaborate, DiPirro bluntly explained, “I had 2 hours of sleep that night, I don’t know.”

The true gothic house arguably belonged to Mateo Lepe’s team. What originally looks like a standard house revealed itself to actually be a murder scene with a mystery embedded within.
Ansel Mello ’25 credited Lepe with the idea. “It was all Mateo. Mateo thought it was really funny to bite off one of their heads and have them murdered all over the house,” said Mello. Such was the birth of the murder house.

On a lighter note, Anah Khan’s team looked to create a house that embodied the aesthetic of a pastel cottage. From pink frosting to lollipop-stick trees, their house reflected the ‘coquette’ vibes that so many are trying to achieve in their lives today.
When asked what went into their house, Rhea Kumar ’25 explained, “Time, dedication, a little bit of procrastination, but you know what? It all came together perfectly.”
The coquette house ended up being a finalist!

If you want to see more of the teams’ houses, head on over to our YouTube channel @enochseagleeye to see the video that Videographer Christian Roxas put together with the help of Photographer Gabriel Lazaro.
After two days of decorating, though, the houses were put aside to set, and Staff Advisor Jason Campbell lined them up in the staff lounge for a vote.
Milo Vieira’s team won first place with 14 votes, and Anah Khan’s team was runner-up with 13 votes.

Two things are for sure, though: 1. Those houses are in no way edible, and 2. This has become an Eagle Eye tradition that will continue on for however long the publication does. Don’t forget to follow our Instagram @enochseagleeye and check out some more articles!