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COLUMN: Stay Creative! Photography

“A creative life is an amplified life. It’s a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a [heck] of a lot more interesting life” – Elizabeth Gilbert In order to amplify your life, the Eagle Eye will be posting weekly art inspo! So stay tuned to get inspired, tutorials, and encouragement to try new arts.
Pictures allow us to freeze beautiful moments in time!
Pictures allow us to freeze beautiful moments in time!
Nico Gwin

I first tried this art here at Enochs with our Beginner Photography class! It takes a bit of time to get the hang of it and truly appreciate the beauty it holds. But once you get it, it’s truly a gorgeous art with lots of talent. So here’s how you can start, some inspo, and why it’s a vital art form.

You probably have a camera in your hand or pocket right now. Our phones have increased in camera quality over the years to the point where you can definitely try out photography with just that. However, I recommend if you want to get intricate or specific pictures, investing in a true camera. Mostly because true cameras have settings and options you can alter in order to get the perfect snapshot. Phones, although you can mess with their settings, just don’t have the same range. This doesn’t mean you have to go buy the most expensive DSLR Canon camera today! There are other options for artists just looking for a fun hobby, like you! The small, rectangular cameras- nicknamed “point and shoots” because that’s exactly what they do- are a lot more basic while still having more options than a phone. These are great for beginners still learning what all the different settings do and are often the cheaper option.

There’s many different types of photography, all with a huge potential for creativity! A great source of inspiration is famous photographers or images. For example, if you’re interested in candid shots, Diane Arbus was an incredibly talented artist in that field. Still life is also a very compelling form of photography that’s very easy to try for yourself. A well-renowned photographer in that form is Edward Weston, known for his famous lettuce image! My personal favorite is self-portraits, because you’re in control of how you’re perceived or framed. There’s also many creative opportunities when you are your own model. And if you decide to take the Enochs Photography class, you’ll learn about all these people and styles, while trying it for yourself!

This picture of our Enochs Girls Varsity Basketball team was taken by Kai Garcia with his digital camera!

There’s many different types of photography, all with a huge potential for creativity! A great source of inspiration is famous photographers or images. For example, if you’re interested in candid shots, Diane Arbus was an incredibly talented artist in that fie

In the Enochs Beginner Photography class, I took this picture for our Self-Portrait unit! (Nico Gwin)

ld. Still life is also a very compelling form of photography that’s very easy to try for yourself. A well-renowned photographer in that form is Edward Weston, known for his famous lettuce image! My personal favorite is self-portraits, because you’re in control of how you’re perceived or framed. There’s also many creative opportunities when you are your own model. And if you decide to take the Enochs Photography class, you’ll learn about all these people and styles, while trying it for yourself!

Photography is a vital part of art, journalism, and activism. A picture is worth a thousand words, and when you can perfectly time a beautiful moment it can spark a movement. Although you may use photography as a great artistic outlet, (because it is!) you can also use it to capture important moments to share with the world. Use your art to amplify your voice! Whatever you’re passionate about, take a picture of it and show it to the world!

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