As president of the Enochs Poetry Club, obviously I had to yap about my favorite artform! So, following photography is of course poetry. Poetry, believe it or not, is all around you; it’s in your headphones, favorite book, and on your screens. This may shock people who only picture haikus or Shakespeare when you talk about poetry. Which is probably why they never try it; because it seems too rigid or structured. But it’s actually the complete opposite. Poetry can be whatever you make it and whatever feels like your true expression. So here’s how you can try it and why you should!

There’s so many forms of poetry that there’s bound to be the perfect one for you. For me, that’s slam poetry (or spoken word). This adds performance to poetry, because it’s no longer just words on a page. It is brought to life with voice and movement, adding personality to your art. This form has been growing in popularity over the years, like Brandon Leake winning “America’s Got Talent” or Modesto’s annual ILL List competition. Even here on campus, we have the BSU Speak Your Truth event followed by the Junior Poetry Slam- both this week! But if the idea of getting on a stage and acting your heart out seems terrifying to you, don’t worry! There is lots of forms of written poetry, as well. There are structured forms that I mentioned, but that doesn’t mean there’s rules on all poetry. If you choose to just write how you please, do that! Don’t feel limited to rhyme schemes or syllable rules. Poetry is whatever feels right to you, as long as your being yourself. If you’re looking for inspiration, some major modern poets include Rupi Kaur, author of Milk and Honey, or Suli Breaks, who writes for young students. Or, if you still don’t know where to start, something that helps me is listening to one of my favorite songs. Then I write a poem that adds to the lyrics or responds to them. This is a great way to get out of a writing slump or get ideas from your favorite artists. This just shows that there is no limit on your creativity in the forms of poetry, and anyone can find their voice in writing or performing.

This is why you should try poetry! It’s one of the best artforms for self expression and finding relief. Especially for me personally, writing poetry is a very cathartic experience that helps express my feelings. It’s similar to writing in a diary or just venting to a friend; it gets all those heavy and difficult feelings off your chest and onto a piece of paper. That’s why I created the Enochs Poetry Club; to share that therapeutic art with the campus! Or if you want to write more lighthearted things, like a love poem, then it’s a great way to show appreciation and admiration for the people in your life. For example, at this years “Eagles Got Talent” I performed a poem for my little nephew about how crazy he is! There’s also lot’s of poems that are a call to action. So if there’s a cause or issue you’re passionate about then you can absolutely write about it! As long as writing makes you feel better or relieved, then do it. It’s such an important form of art, it deserved a community at Enochs who could come together and work with fellow young poets. So start writing and come join Poetry Club in the library some time!