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The Student News Site of James C. Enochs High School

Enochs Eagle Eye

The Student News Site of James C. Enochs High School

Enochs Eagle Eye

The Student News Site of James C. Enochs High School

Enochs Eagle Eye

Riley Maynard

Riley Maynard, Reporter

Riley Maynard, a member of the Enochs High School Class of 2024, is serving as a reporter for The Eagle Eye. Riley plans on attending MJC after graduation. He’d like to travel in his free time and is hoping to visit Rome again - the first time being in the summer of 2023 - and would like to live there someday with his cats if possible. When he isn’t procrastinating doing homework he plays guitar, piano, bass, and other instruments he can get his hands on. Riley also likes to read and write, although he's not very good at it, but he hopes to improve. He likes to spend time with his family and friends as well. 

What Riley loves about journalism: “I think the class is really cool. I’ve always liked the idea of journalism and have looked up to journalists like Hunter S. Thompson and I think it's pretty cool being able to do what he did like writing articles and stuff. I also really like the teacher Mr. Campbell, I had him for Introductory Journalism my junior year and I really liked his teaching style.”

What Riley loves about Enochs High School: “I’ve never been a huge fan of school and I doubt I ever will be, but if I have to attend a school I’m glad it’s Enochs. I’ve met a lot of cool people and have had a lot of cool teachers in my 4 years of attending Enoch.”  

All content by Riley Maynard